Friday, September 13, 2013

Chewing on Empty Calories...

Its 10:44am and I’m incessantly chomping down on my gum typing 90 mph. All I know at this moment in time is my gum is rapidly becoming stale, I’m irritated and I want to shoot myself in the foot for where I am today. Most days I’m pretty happy where I am in life. Despite all my challenges and missed opportunities I am grateful for the person I am today. I still have much to accomplish and become. However, I’m exhausting myself thinking about how much I just didn't do or perhaps simply fucked up in my 20’s. I know hindsight is 20/20 and it’s keeping your eyes on the prize that matters.

I just resent wasted time. I resent not trying harder in school and finding a better job. I resent my demons that taxed so much of my mind and body that there is an ongoing extensive rehab project. I should have saved more. I should have learned more. I should have worked more. I should have loved more. My quarter-life crisis grew into a full-fledged kindergartner and then one day it just simply missed the bus. As abruptly as those days were over I discovered a new compounding cluster of obscurity emerged.  I think I found myself moving forward through a continuous haboob. Luckily, much has cleared up but somewhere near is the clarity I’m so eagerly searching for now.

Through much of my resentment and hindsight I found passion again. I realized the power of passion and how greatly it impacts our existence. I came to his write this blog to seek clarity and calmness. The key strike is slower and lighter. I need to stop existing to get through the days, but instead fuel my passion to create powerful days com-busting with love, positivity, compassion and purpose. I figure my existence on this earth is validated by one single act a day; if I can help or make one person smile the validity of my purpose is solidified. I've simplified it to those terms and I think it works. 

Starting each day with a simplistic positive attitude enriches the rest of our day.  I've learned the recipe for happiness in life is truly about making the most of one day at a time and helping one person at a time. Michael Jackson did leave us one of the powerful messages before his early departure to start with the man in the mirror and make that change. I know the song is so cliche but speaks volumes of truth. It starts from within and ripples outward. The universe knew what it was doing when energy was created. I truly believe in the law of attraction: what you put out will multiply when it comes back to you. Catch a ripple and pass it on. In fact ride the ripple and you’ll find yourself surfing bigger waves of positivity and happiness.